Square Peg Round Hole
Every day people from every background—not just you—put on masks to make it through life. Talk about exhausting. But we keep doing it because no one wants to talk about the insanity of it even though it keeps us from being our best.
Well, that's about to change.
Welcome to Square Peg Round Hole with Timothy Eldred, writer, speaker, and friendly disrupter of the status quo on a mission to end aloneness and help people live and lead with authenticity in an artificial world.
Square Peg Round Hole
Ep.24 | Two Words: Slow Down
You don’t want to miss this episode. In my opinion anyway (but I’m biased).
Clearly, I’ve been away from the microphone for a few weeks—much longer than even I expected for sure. But I’ve had good reason. And the lessons I’ve been learning during this hiatus have only helped to strengthen what I’ve been wanting to say to my loyal listeners as I talk openly about my recent experiences.
As you can ascertain from the title, my emphasis is simple: slow down. Sounds easy. It’s not. It requires a deliberate decision every day. But if we would adhere to this logic, we’d improve our lives and the lives of the people around us—the whole world to be honest. I can’t encourage you enough to listen and apply.
If you’re interested in finding a greater sense of connection and belonging in your life, this is the best 25 minutes you can spend today. I promise!
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