Square Peg Round Hole
Ever feel like you don't fit? Like you can't be real? In other words, you have to fake it because you're not accepted as your true self. Yeah, that seems about right. And ridiculous.
Every day people from every background—not just you—put on masks to make it through life. Talk about exhausting. But we keep doing it because no one wants to talk about the insanity of it even though it keeps us from being our best.
Well, that's about to change.
Welcome to Square Peg Round Hole with Timothy Eldred, writer, speaker, and friendly disrupter of the status quo on a mission to end aloneness and help people live and lead with authenticity in an artificial world.
Every day people from every background—not just you—put on masks to make it through life. Talk about exhausting. But we keep doing it because no one wants to talk about the insanity of it even though it keeps us from being our best.
Well, that's about to change.
Welcome to Square Peg Round Hole with Timothy Eldred, writer, speaker, and friendly disrupter of the status quo on a mission to end aloneness and help people live and lead with authenticity in an artificial world.
26 episodes
Ep.25 | Finding True Identity with Guest Beth Abbott
In this conversation, Tim talks with Beth Abbott who shares her journey of hitting rock bottom and finding redemption. She discusses the events that led to her national news coverage, including a DUI accident that injured pedestrians. Beth open...
Season 1
Episode 25

Ep.24 | Two Words: Slow Down
You don’t want to miss this episode. In my opinion anyway (but I’m biased).Clearly, I’ve been away from the microphone for a few weeks—much longer than even I expected for sure. But I’ve had good reason. And the lessons I’ve been ...
Episode 24

Ep.23 | Move Your Ass
Sometimes life feels insurmountable. Those are the moments when you don't believe you have the strength or stamina to overcome the obstacles in your path—the seasons when you seriously consider giving up.You're not alone. We all face se...
Episode 23

Ep.22 | Bet On Yourself
"If it doesn't bring you peace, profit, or purpose, then don't give it your time, energy, or attention." —UnknownI posted that quote on social media over the last few days. As you might suppose, the response was affirming. Beca...
Episode 22

Ep.21 | Is Your Pain Self-Inflicted?
No one likes to admit the possibility they might create the majority of their own problems or that they are the source of their own pain. Even considering the idea is slightly embarrassing. Or shameful. But is it true?I hate to ...
Episode 21

Ep.20 | Shut Up and Relax
Does that title sound a bit harsh? Well, it is certainly abrupt. Why? Because sometimes there's no sugarcoating the truth. And the truth can hurt. But there are times we need someone to speak boldly and get our attention. That's what I hope t...
Episode 20

Ep.19 | Too Much Thinking
We overthink. And the thoughts bouncing around in our brains shape our world and become our reality. We also take life too seriously. Is it any wonder we are so emotionally stressed and uptight? What would happen if ...
Episode 19

Ep.18 | Take One Small Step
Most of the time, many people who are trying to make significant and lasting changes in their life do one major thing wrong—they go too far too fast. It's like quitting a habit cold turkey. You are either going to fail now or relapse later beca...
Episode 18

Ep.17 | Don’t Put on Your Face
Have you heard the phrase (or used the phrase) I need to put on my face? It’s an idiom about putting on makeup; however, the concept can be applied in much broader terms. Because we all put on a “face” of sorts. Our face (or public persona) is ...
Episode 17
Ep.16 | It's Not My Fault, Dammit.
Have you noticed that it's nobody's fault anymore? No one is responsible. For anything. Personal responsibility is becoming ancient history. It's no longer a virtue we value. Everyone wants to fight for their rights. But few want to be ...
Episode 16

Ep.15 | Love: Feeling, Choice, Both, Other?
What is love anyway? Has it been so exploited or so poorly explained that we really have no idea anymore? Maybe our ideas about love are the very reason we don't understand it in a healthy way. Or perhaps it's only my perspective on the whole s...
Episode 15
Ep.14 | Broken Beyond Repair
The ‘middle ground’ of compromise is becoming scarcer and scarcer. Tolerance—once a cherished concept in our world—has disappeared from our human vernacular. We are a harshly divided world. Is that the way it has always been? Or is ...
Episode 14
Ep.13 | It's Worth the Investment
Life is change. And change is hard. That about sums it up, right. Every time we turn around we have to adjust to some occurrence in the world—or in our personal world at least. Obviously, that's not a newsflash. But how do you make good decisio...
Episode 13

Ep.12 | Talking About Change with Dai Manuel
Here are two truths: 1) Everyone has a story. 2) Change is hard. On this episode, my guest, Dai Manuel, discusses both of these realities from his life. Our conversation is honest and practical for anyon...
Episode 12

Ep.11 | Embrace Your Baggage
There's no one alive who doesn't carry baggage. Yes, even you. It might be the pain of the past that has followed you around for years—even decades. It could be current problems looming over you that seem impossible to shake. Baggage comes in a...
Episode 11

Ep.10 | Stop Conversations from Becoming Confrontations
Conversations don’t have to be confrontations. They can simply be honest, transparent, and vulnerable dialogue. But how do you create conditions for productive discussions? Simple. You come to the table ready to listen and learn something new a...
Episode 10

Ep.9 | When Life Gets Hijacked
There are only two areas of life—two—what you can control and what you can’t. You know the saying: 10% of life is what happens to you and 90% is how you respond to it.When you focus on what you can control, you become strong. When you ig...
Episode 9

Ep.8 | Tell Yourself a Different Story
You know that story you keep telling yourself? Yeah, the one you keeping playing over and over again on a constant loop. The one that keeps you stuck in the status quo of life. Isn't it time to knock that off? Of course, the answer is yes. But ...
Episode 8

Ep.7 | Guest: Johnny Shelton
Is there a relevant connection between the life of an NFL player and the average person? It might not seem like it at first glance because of the glitz and glamour that comes from being a professional athlete, but you'd be wrong to make that as...
Episode 7

Ep.6 | What's the Thing? | Jeff Goins
I love conversations that challenge my thinking because that's the beginning of learning. Well, on today's episode, my guest, Jeff Goins, didn't disappoint. I never even got to the questions I wanted to ask...
Episode 6

Ep.5 | 10 Contributions to Trustworthiness
Today, I continue my conversation with Monty Hipp about trust as we discuss 10 contributions to building trustworthiness in your life. These nuggets of truth are valuable whether you've broken trus...
Episode 5

Ep.4 | Repairing Broken Trust
Today, I’m joined by my friend and CompleMentor, Monty Hipp. Join us for part one of our conversation as we discuss how fear and trust are closely related. In some ways, they're almost twins. One unique...
Episode 4

Ep.3 | Paralyzed by Fear
We all have fears. But most of the fears we carry around have been fabricated. In reality, they're only a figment of our imagination. And when we recognize that reality, we're one step closer to letting them go. That's a huge step to becoming f...
Episode 3